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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Craft A Week #29 Rag Wreath

I really haven't had much time for crafting since this was the last week of classes for the spring semester. While I am teaching a class this summer, I'm looking forward to having some free time to get back to crafting.  It really is my therapy and is just so good for my soul.  I have some big projects I am contemplating but, in the meantime, I was looking for a quick and easy project.

In my quest to complete another "pin", I made a rag wreath. Since another one of my goals is to use up the materials I have (rather than buying new supplies) I harvested the fabric I had in my craft room.  For some reason I had an overabundance of pink fabric. I picked up the white/brown plaid and blue at a yard sale on Friday to lessen the pinkness of the wreath. I got 1.5 yards of each for .25!

This project is really simple. Just cut your fabric into 1" strips that are about 10-12" long.  I wasn't too precise.  Some were wider and/or longer than others but it doesn't matter. Here's a tip: fold the material in half and you can cut twice as much in half the time. Or use a rotary cutter: I don't have one but this would have been really handy.  I just cut up the material I had and tossed into a big tin. I then had Natalie (my granddaughter) "stir" the fabric so it was all mixed together, making it easier to just pull from when making the wreath.

I bought a wire wreath from Michaels.  It was only $2.50 with the loyalty discount. I thought it would be much more than that. I bought a large one because I wanted it big for my front door. 

All you do is tie the fabric strips onto the wreath. I chose to tie it across all four wires because of the length of my strips. I thought of doing two rows but didn't really see much of a benefit of doing it that way....except that it would take me twice as long. 

I knotted the strips to make sure they would stay in place. And packed them really tight so the wreath would look full.  This was a really quick project; I completed the tieing in abut 2 hours.  I only used a fraction of the fabric strips. I definately have enough materials for another wreath.  Though the pinks are not really my color, I think it came out very cute and homey.  

This is such a simple and affordable project but it makes a big impact. You could easily (and cheaply) make a wreath for each season.  Now I've got one more thing to keep an eye out for when yard saleing!  I'd like to make an Americana wreath with red, white and blues. That would be a good fit for my style and the door. 

I highly recommend this project. I've got several weddings this summer and think I may make these as shower gifts. They will be perfect gifts for those who have a country theme.  Another super simple project! 

Happy Crafting!

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