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Friday, April 6, 2012

Craft A Week #28: A Week of Love for Easter

A few weeks ago our family welcomed it's newest addition: Marcus Robert.   I know I am biased but I think he's just adorable!

This brings the total of grandkids in our family to 8; four boys and four girls, ranging from 2 weeks to 10 years of age. I love them all and, as you can imagine, it can get quite pricey to buy gifts for each of them for every holiday.  In addition, most of the kids have other family who also buy for them so the kids just get an overabundance of stuff.

This year I decided to make my grandkid gifts. Based upon a pin I found that someone made to send to a family member who is serving in the military overseas, I modified the idea to fit my family.

I made each child (aside from newbie Marcus) A Week of Love From Gam gift. All I did was take 7 regular envelops and attached them all together in a line like this:

I labled each envelop with a day of the week, added stickers for decoration, and wrote "A Week of Love From Me To You" down the left side of the envelopes. 

I then gathered a bunch of little things from the Dollar Store (and other random places).  I didn't really have any plan; I just picked up things I thought would fit into the envelopes.

I used things like fruit snacks, candy bracelets and necklaces, animal crackers, pretzels, erasers, and microwave popcorn (that pops blue). I also had some cute little cards, chalk (for the younger kids) and packages of gum.

I then stuffed one goodie into each day, folded the package up, and tied a ribbon around it.

I love that each child will have little gift every day for a week from Gam.

It didn't cost much to make a bunch of these so it was really cost effective. So, to recap, here's the supply list:

  • 7 envelopes
  • Stickers and markers to decorate
  • Small goodies to fit inside each envelop.  (Lesson learned: the flatter, the better! I got a little carried away and couldn't fit some of the treats into the envelopes.  Things like gum, gift cards, flat candy, etc. would be good).
  • Ribbon to tie the package up
 I love this idea, especially for the grandkids who live far away. I think of this as a little emotional hug for them.  If I do this again though I would either use bigger, sturdier envelopes or make my own. I can see some of the kids opening this up on Sunday and having all the little things inside scatter across the room immediately. I also want to look at Target or Staples to see if I can find a 7 day file system that would work. That way the parents could easily refill the file and the gift can be extended. 

I hope you all have a wonderfully Happy Easter.  I wish blessings to you and your family.

Happy Crafting!

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