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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Craft A Week #3: Photo Canvas

Tis the time of year for me to get pretty crafty so I am onto my second craft project this week.  Today's craft is a photo canvas.  SHANA:  If you are reading this stop here!  This is one of your birthday presents! 

Here's my picture:

(It's still drying so it will smoothe out as it drys). If you can't read the quote from the picture, it says:

Watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.
Roald Dahl
I thought the quote fit PERFECTLY with this picture. Yes, I too agree that it looks like the quote is eating her face (thanks Bre) but it was based on this original photo. This picture has always been one of my favorites. (Shana is a good photographer, isn't she)?

This project sounds simple but it was rather a challenge. I found other people online who came up with the idea of printing a photo onto tissue paper which then, in turn, is Mod Podged onto a blank canvas. Sounds simple, right?  Well it's not that simple. 

No matter what I did the paper kept getting stuck in the printer.  I did have limited success by ironing my tissue paper and then taping it onto light cardstock paper.  I cut it 4" larger than the cardstock, wrapped it around the back, ironed that flat, and taped the whole thing down.  (Sorry, I didn't take pictures).  Even with doing all that the page got stuck 3/4 of the way through printing - which was okay because that's all I needed.

I then took the printed tissue and carefully cut it away from the cardstock. I used the canvas as a guide and cut it to size.  I then put a light coating of Mod Podge on the canvas.  I VERY carefully lined up the picture and, starting from the center, smoothed the photo onto the canvas.  This is the tricky part because you want to try and get as many bubbles out (not that easy).  Once that is done, just let it sit and dry for 30 minutes.

Because my photo wasn't as wide as the canvas I felt the picture needed something to blend it with the canvas. I used watered down blue water color to marry the two and let that dry 20 minutes. While that was drying, I found and printed the quote. I printed this on regular paper because I didn't want to bother with the tissue anymore.  I played with the spacing and, once I was satisfied, I Mod Podged that in place too.  I then put a thin coat of Mod Podge over the entire thing.

I let that dry for 15 minutes and very lightly sprinkled glitter for highlights.  I'm still feeling it needs something but I'm not sure what. I don't want to add too much to it because once added, it can't be removed.  Any suggestions?

All in all, I think this project is just okay. I like my final product but the printing issue was so frustrating it totally turned me off.  Considering you can get these done at WalMart and other photo places for $15-20, I think I'd rather do my photoshop magic and send it to them for printing. 

Happy Crafting!

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